Lowry's Educational Tours
The Farm at Lowry’s is a 200-acre working farm. Visitors will board our trailers for a 2 hour narrated tour around the farm. There is abundant wildlife in our forest and aquatic habitats. Cows, Donkeys, Goats, Horses, Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks, and Geese are the domesticated animals that live here. Visitors will use an Adventure Backpack filled with binoculars, minnow nets, bug tongs, magnifying glasses and a compass to enhance the farm experience. The farm provides many educational lessons and authentic activities to inspire visitors to make a permanent connection with the land.
Our Mission is to share educationally powerful ideas and values practiced on the farm to facilitate learning for life.
What to Bring:
Sun Hat
Bottled Water
Mud Boots
Visitors should prepare for cold/hot weather
Picnic lunch/optional
Cost: $10.00 per person
(Each child must have a Liability Waiver Form signed by their legal guardian - please download below)